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  • Range of UCAT services available, operating during all months of the year

  • Designed to guide you to achieve the highest marks for the exam

  • Secure an offer from top UK Medical Schools

  • Delivered by highly expert tutors, who are trained in how to pass their knowledge and expertise onto you

  • Discover our options below - and watch your score accelerate!

  • Fill in our form for a free consultation with one of our tutors

UCAT Crash Course

  • A full-day UKCAT Crash Course! An interactive course, taught by highly expert tutors with 7+ years of experience in teaching. 

  • The course covers all 5 sections of the exam, with up-to-date knowledge of the 2022 specification. The tutors will deliver score-enhancing techniques and skills, and all the knowledge you need, in order to score highly in the exam. 

UCAT Private Tutoring

  • Private UKCAT tutoring by highly expert tutors with 7+ years of experience! 

  • All of our tutors are super friendly, with many years of experience in tutoring students - they are current or graduate medical students, from top UK medical schools.

  • Your tutor will design lessons based on your individual worries and weak points, so that you gain maximum benefit from the lesson. 

UCAT Comprehensive

  • The UCAT comprehensive support includes everything you need in order to succeed in the exam! You will get access to the UCAT crash course and 5 hours of private UCAT tutoring by a highly expert tutor who has multiple years of experience. 

  • This comprehensive plan comes at a discounted price, so click below in order to find out more and sign up! 


Sign up to our combined BMAT and UCAT comprehensive support, which gives you access to all of the following: 

  • BMAT Crash Course: An online, live full-day crash course that covers all 3 sections of the BMAT exam.  

  • UCAT Crash Course: An online, live full-day crash course that covers all 5 sections of the UCAT exam. 

  • 6 x hours of private tutoring: 5 hours of private 1-1 combined BMAT and UCAT tutoring with an expert tutor.


Our expert tutors have produced a comprehensive UCAT guide that takes you through the common questions and misconceptions of the exam! Read our guide, and if you still have more questions, please contact us and we will be in touch! 


We have in-school courses too! The co-founders visit the UK's leading schools to deliver the UCAT course. This can be delivered both in person or online. Please contact us and we will be in touch! 


The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is an admission test used by 31 out of 44 universities in the UK as part of the admission criteria for Medicine. The scores of this test, along with the rest of the UCAS application, are used to select students for interview. All universities use the UCAT score differently, some placing a major emphasis on it for interview invitation, with others not placing much emphasis on it. 

The exam tests your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and is not based on academic knowledge. The test is made up of 5 sections:

  1. Verbal Reasoning (VR)

  2. Decision Making (DM)

  3. Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

  4. Abstract Reasoning (AR)

  5. Situational Judgement (SJT)


The UCAT exam lasts for 2 hours, and is a computerised exam, which you will sit at a designated exam centre. In total, there are 228 questions across the 5 sections. The test is scored out of 900 for Sections 1 - 4, with a minimum score of 300 in each. Scores are normally discussed as an average of the four sections. The SJT segment is scored as Bands 1 - 4, with 1 as the top band. 

Verbal Reasoning

This part of the UCAT examines your ability to analyse statements and interpret how they relate to the given passage. Our tutor will go through all the different types of statements that could come up, and will teach you the skills and techniques you need in order to score the highest possible mark.

Decision Making

This section of the UCAT is the longest one. It tests your ability to interpret text and use your logic to reach the correct answer related to a particular problem - text, charts, tables, graphs or diagrams. Our tutors have carefully crafted a set of techniques to follow in order to answer these questions as best as possible in the shortest amount of time. 

Quantitative Reasoning

This section involves using numerical skills in order to answer complex problems. The questions will involve tables, charts, and/or graphs. Most questions will come in sets of 4 related to the same mathematical data. We will teach you all the mathematical principles you need in order to score highly in this section. 

Abstract Reasoning

This section of the exam is based on identifying patterns amongst abstract shapes. It is based on your ability to critically evaluate the changes in the patterns, and thus deduce what the answer will be. Our tutoring will highlight the set of patterns that repeat in the exam, and thus allows you to identify them easily.   

Situational Judgement

This section tests your ability to behave correctly to real-life scenarios; the questions do not require any prior knowledge. The result of this section does not contribute to your overall mark, but instead the result will be converted to one of four bands - 1 being the highest band.  


We have tutored 100s of students over the last 7 years, and have extensive expert knowledge in this field, as our tutors are all medical students or recent graduates who have up-to-date inside knowledge of the system! 


We are a dedicated team of junior doctors with extensive knowledge of the Medical School application process. Our tutors graduated from top Medical Schools in the UK, and have sat in interview panels for those universities!


Our tutors have extensive and knowledge and experience is passing on their expertise to you! They graduated from top UK medical schools, and were in your position only a few years ago; they have the relevant knowledgeable and the right strategies to boost your chances of success!


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Over 500 students

Offers from UCL, Imperial, KCL, Edinburgh, Manchester and many more!

Medic Master

We are experts in this field, and we will support you through every stage of the application process of 2022-2023! 


Send us a message and we will respond within 24 hours! 

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